
cover note 暫保單,保險證明。

cover point

The revised msn consists of the covering notes on the general provisions of the ozps ; a set of user schedules which lists out the uses that are always permitted under column 1 , and uses requiring planning permission from the board under column 2 of the notes for various zones ; and remarks which set out the specific development restrictions and other requirements for individual zones 注釋總表修訂本分數部分,即《注釋》說明頁,其內載述分區計劃大綱圖的一般規定;各地帶注釋的用途表,第一欄列明經常準許的用途,第二欄則為須向城規會申請規劃許可的用途;以及備注,用以說明個別地帶的特定發展限制和其他規改。

On 28 . 2 . 2003 with further refinements subsequently endorsed . the revised msn consists of the covering notes on the general provisions of the ozps ; a set of user schedules which lists out the uses that are always permitted under column 1 , and uses requiring planning permission from the board under column 2 of the notes for various zones ; and remarks which set out the specific development restrictions and other requirements for individual zones ,并其后通過對其作進一步修訂。注釋總表修訂本分數部分,即注釋說明頁,其內載述分區計劃大綱圖的一般規定各地帶注釋的用途表,第一欄列明經常準許的用途,第二欄則為須向城規會申請規劃許可的用途以及備注,用以說明個別地帶的特定發展限制和其他規定。

Please use form no . s16 - 3 if the proposed use is temporary for not exceeding 5 years ; and form no . s16 - 5 for public private utility installation exceeding 5 years or for minor relaxation of stated development restriction for column 1 use or use development always permitted under the covering notes 若擬議用途屬臨時性質,并為期不超過五年,請使用表格第s16 - 3號若屬為期超過五年的公用事業私人設施裝置,或是略為放寬第一欄用途或注釋說明頁經常準許的用途發展的指定發展限制,請使用表格第s16 - 5號。

On 28 . 2 . 2003 ( with further refinements subsequently endorsed ) . the revised msn consists of the covering notes on the general provisions of the ozps ; a set of user schedules which lists out the uses that are always permitted under column 1 , and uses requiring planning permission from the board under column 2 of the notes for various zones ; and remarks which set out the specific development restrictions and other requirements for individual zones ,并其后通過對其作進一步修訂。注釋總表修訂本分數部分,即《注釋》說明頁,其內載述分區計劃大綱圖的一般規定;各地帶注釋的用途表,第一欄列明經常準許的用途,第二欄則為須向城規會申請規劃許可的用途;以及備注,用以說明個別地帶的特定發展限制和其他規定。

The revised msn consists of the covering notes on the general provisions of the ozps ; a set of user schedules which lists out the uses that are always permitted under column 1 , and uses requiring planning permission from the board under column 2 of the notes for various zones ; and remarks which set out the specific development restrictions and other requirements for individual zones 注釋總表修訂本分數部分,即注釋說明頁,其內載述分區計劃大綱圖的一般規定各地帶注釋的用途表,第一欄列明經常準許的用途,第二欄則為須向城規會申請規劃許可的用途以及備注,用以說明個別地帶的特定發展限制和其他規改。

A contract of marine insurance is deemed to be concluded when the proposal of the assured is accepted by the insurer , whether the policy be then issued or not and , for the purpose of showing when the proposal was accepted , reference may be made to the slip or covering note or other customary memorandum of the contract 保險人接受被保險人的投保單后,無論當時是否已簽發保險單,海上保險合同應視為已經成立;為表明該投保單何時被接受,可以參考承保條或暫保單或其他合同習慣的備忘錄。

Trailers are also required to be registered in the same manner as motor vehicles but with some exceptions , e . g . a trailer owner is not required to pay first registration tax , nor is he required to produce any third party risk insurance certificate or cover note for his vehicle 拖車亦須辦理登記手續,而程序亦與汽車相同;但有若干例外,例如拖車車主無須繳付首次登記稅,也不必出示第三者風險保險單或臨時保單。

Please use form no . s16 - 5 for land pond filling for building the new territories exempted house nteh if nteh is a column 1 use or a use always permitted under the covering notes 若為興建新界豁免管制屋宇而進行填土塘,而新界豁免管制屋宇屬于第一欄用途或注釋說明頁經常準許的用途者,請使用表格第s16 - 5號。

Filling of landpond or excavation of land or diversion of stream for any column 1 use specified in the schedule of uses , or any usedevelopment always permitted under the covering notes 填土填塘或挖土或導流以作《土地用途表》所載任何第一欄用途或根據《注釋》的說明頁經常準許的任何用途發展

Minor relaxation of the stated development restrictions for any column 1 use specified in the schedule of uses , or any usedevelopment always permitted under the covering notes 要求略為放寬就《土地用途表》所載任何第一欄用途或根據《注釋》的說明頁經常準許的任何用途發展所列明的發展規限

Minor relaxation of stated development restriction for column 1 use or use development always permitted under the covering notes also applicable to public private utility installation 略為放寬第一欄用途或注釋說明頁經常準許的用途發展的指定發展限制亦適用于公用事業私人設施裝置

Where there is a duly stamped policy , reference may be made , as heretofore , to the slip or covering note , in any legal proceeding 在保險單有義務貼足印花之情況下,滿足印花要求的承保條或承保通知書在法律訴訟中均得作為證據。

The liability of the insurers does not begin until the proposal has been formally accepted by the insurers or official cover note issued 本投保書需經保險人正式接納或正式的暫保單簽發后,保險人的保險責任才正式生效。

The company will extend its services to cover notes and bonds trading , derivatives and other consultancy services in the near future 日后,元太將陸續推出票據及債券買賣、金融衍生工具及其他諮詢服務。

The company will extend its services to cover notes and bonds trading , derivatives and other consultancy services in the near future 日后,元太將陸續推出票據及債券買賣金融衍生工具及其他諮詢服務。

Land pond filling for column 1 use or use development always permitted under the covering notes 為進行第一欄用途或注釋說明頁經常準許的用途發展而填土塘

Direct fax from pc , cover note , 2 - up on receipt , internet fax optional Pc直發傳真發送頁2合一接收互聯網傳真選件

Photocopy of valid third party risk insurance certificate cover note 有效的第三者意外風險保險單/臨時保單副本

Photocopy of valid third party risk insurance certificate cover note 有效的第三者意外風險保險單臨時保單副本